Romantic Poetry

Poetry is read by your Heart.

Since the beginning of time, romantic poetry has been written and enjoyed between two people who are expressing their Love for each other. 

If I asked you to describe what a banana tasted like, I believe there wouldn't be enough ‘taste’ words that could be used to describe one. The best way to describe a taste is by comparing it with something similar. If you haven't tasted something similar, then you can't relate to it.

What's the taste of a Banana got to do with Love, you may ask. This analogy is an example of how difficult it is to find the words to express Love to one another. When we are trying to express our love to each other, we often use analogies on subjects or events we can both relate to. 

Here's the thing; articulating and expressing these words must come from the heart and be sincere, otherwise they are just words. The other thing is that love is an experience and, therefore, it has no cognitive definition. It naturally becomes a poet's playground. It would be fair to say that ever since time began, humanity has been trying to express and define this wonderful exhilarating experience poetically.


When I use the word experience, it's in the context of how you perceive and define love yourself. If your experience of love has been negative then you will probably be closed to the word love.

I know a woman who was once married and because it had been a negative traumatic experience she made an inner vow that she would never marry again. She met a man and they fell in love, he proposed to her and she accepted the proposal. She kept the engagement secret from her friends and family. Her fiance noticed she didn't appear to be very happy about getting married. The penny dropped for her, she realized she had made an inner vow she would never marry again. Once this was dealt with everyone was happy and they proceeded with their plans.

The following poem I wrote is an endeavour to capture the language articulating the experience that love is.

Poem Image


My point here is to highlight love's experiences because each person defines this experience in their own language. I'm sure you will relate to the theme of this poem. 

I once worked with a man once who had an interesting nickname. He always used the term "Love is a VERB" and hence all the men nicknamed him by this term. He was adamant that Love needed to be experienced in actions not words. Saying the words I LOVE You must be backed up with appropriate actions to prove the words are true. 

Most importantly is to keep your Love alive amidst all the distractions and pressures of life. This is challenging if life gets in the way and your relationship becomes stale. You will know the signs instinctively so don't ignore the red flags.

Love languages have always been a popular connection point between couples and I recently heard a beautiful story. An aged couple have been separated because of Alzheimer's and the husband has been put into a rest home and will never return to the family home. His wife visits him regularly and they connect with each other through his favorite foods she brings to him.
Love has always been defined in many quotes, here is one applicable for both genders.
"Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive" Unknown 

Poetry is a language with its unique flow and rhythm and is read or heard, emotionally with our heart. Alternatively, our mind hears the words and cognitively assimilates these into thoughts and processes, while our heart hears emotionally. The two work together. Poetry has the ability to break through the mindset barriers we have, but must be read with an open heart. 


Do you frequently compare yourself to others? Are you tired of the emotional roller coaster that you find yourself on when you engage in this kind of comparison? Perhaps you even wonder how you could ever love yourself?

You will ultimately gain your own self esteem when you stop struggling with people's opinions and develop your own. There is a strong tendency to believe you are never good enough nor will you ever be. It is preferable to adopt another way to think about yourself, as being a continual work in progress until the day you die.

Maybe you’ve tried speaking daily exhortations and quotes to yourself? You may have even tried to motivate yourself, but for some reason it just doesn’t become the habit you would like it to be. Something is missing! Any discipline which you put in place can only succeed if you believe it yourself in your heart. 

It doesn't matter what your gender is, the subject of self love applies to us all. We wear all sorts of masks and facades to hide behind and when these are stripped away, we live within the security of how we see ourselves. Here's the thing; no matter what is said to or about us, even if it's true, it doesn't define us because we are always a work in progress. 

If someone says we are special, even though we may want to hear we are, we must be secure in our own heart this comment is true and believable. I believe this is an important issue every person must address for themselves. I certainly have had to do this for myself. One of my all time favorite quotes is from Mark Twain, "The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out WHY"

 The poetry membership site I have created is called Romantic words and, which delivers a new poem and quote to members every day. As I have previously said, this site is for everyone. How you read the poem determines how the message will impact you. It will either read you or you will read it.

Poetry has a life of its own and therefore can speak in various ways on different days. I suggest you read the poem to yourself as a message from a close friend who is attempting to articulate how you are appreciated by them.

You may be very happily married or in a stable relationship but your spouse or partner seldom uses romantic words. I suggest these poems could be appropriately used as a substitute.

When you log into your membership there will be a fresh poem and quote waiting for you each and every day. You could also receive your daily poem as if from a mystery person who puts a letter in your mailbox every day. You don't know who this person is but you collect your mail daily. 

I believe if you read the poem as if it were written to you and about you, you will begin to see and believe in yourself in a far more positive manner. Your results will be measured by your own self-belief. I believe these daily poems will assist to enhance your relationship with your significant other, regardless of whether you hear any romantic words from your significant other.


Imagine receiving a poem as an anonymous and random act of kindness from someone at work whose identity you never discover? I am sure you would wonder who it was wouldn't you? The amazing outcome would be,  'someone sees me as special' and therein is the truth, you are special!

So, let me ask you this?

How would it feel to be genuinely secure within yourself? I'm talking about the real deal here, not the continuation of fake it till you make it stuff! The day you become secure with YOU regardless of your past, your foibles and imperfections and anyone else's opinions about you, is the day you really start to live. 

I am not saying you will be perfect, whatever that means, but you will be genuinely self confident with a measure of humility and not be affected by criticisms. My biggest takeaway from the movie The Sound Of Music was from the song "I have confidence in me".  I want you to imagine being empowered by this revelation. Wouldn't it be wonderful to achieve the ability to love yourself in a humble and genuine way and contribute your unique piece to the puzzle of life?

Midst all the hustle of life, when do you take the time to reflect upon yourself in a positive and meditative way? I offer you the opportunity to build your self-esteem with the content I have developed.

You can cancel at any time and because of the reasonable cost for this membership, there will be no refunds.